I am a mother of three. Some days I think I could handle 8….some days none.
I have one husband. That’s plenty.
I’m not a coffee drinker. I’ll take an almond steamer any day of the week.
I have more hobbies than a lifetime can support!
Someday I will learn how to knit, sew, and read a book at the same time.
Faith is my priority.
My in-laws are awesome. I’m sorry if yours are not. Really. Sorry.
I’m a dreamer.
I’m inspired in spring, content in fall.
Working in a quilt shop was one of the best things for the maker in me.
Fabric and yarn are my budget busters.
I like traditional. I like modern. That makes me a modern traditionalist.
Creating home is where my heart is!
I LOVE life (most days)!